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Duration of the Package : 14 Night 15 Days.


Board Netaji Exp. (12311) or any suitable train at 9:55pm from Howrah Station for Chandigarh.

Full day on Train

Reach Chandigarh in the morning (01:35A.M.). Refreshment at Chandigarh Railway Station Waiting Hall and proceed to Manali. Reach Manali in the evening and check in Hotel. Night stay at Manali.

After Breakfast start for Kelong (10,100ft) via Atal Tunnel (71km). On the way visit confluence of Chandra and Bhaga River near Kelong (Right next to Tandi Bridge). Reach Kelong and transfer to hotel.

Early morning start for Leh (357km) via Baralacha La Pass (17,582ft.), Pang Vally, Tang lang La Pass (17,582ft) etc. Reach Leh at evening and transfer to hotel. Night stay at Leh.

After Breakfast visit Local Sight Seeing. THIKSE MONASTERY : The Monastery have many items of Buddhist Art such as Stupas, Statues, Thangkas, wall paintings and swords. One of the main points of interest is the MAITREYA Temple installed to commemorate the visit of the 14th Dalai Lama to this Monastery in 1970 it contains a 49 ft. height statue in Ladakh, covering two storeyed of the building. SHEY PALACE : Shey Palace & Monastery were built in 1655 on the instructions of Delden Namgyal. In the memory of his Late father, Sengge Namgyal. The Monastery is noted for its giant copper with gilded gold statue
of seated Shakyamuni Buddha. It is said to be the second largest such Statue in Ladakh. LEH PALACE : Leh Palace is a former royal Palace overlooking the city of Leh. It was constructed circa 1600 by Sengge Namgyal. SANTI STUPA : Santi Stupa is a Buddhist white-domed stupa (Chorten) on a
hilltop in Chanspa, Leh. It was built in 1991 by Japanese Buddhist Bhikshu, Gyomyo Nakamura and past of the Peace Pagoda mission.

After Breakfast Drive to Nubra Vally (120 km) via KHARDUNGLA PASS (17,582 Ft.) The road is one of the World’s highest Motorable road. Reach Nubra afternoon and check in hotel. Evening visit DISKIT MONASTERY, also known as Diskit Gompa is the oldest and largest Buddhist Monastary in the Nubra Vally. BUDDHA STATUE : 33 meter statue of Maitreya Buddha near Diskit Monastary facing down the Shyak River towards Nubra Vally. Overnight stay at Nubra.

After Breakfast visit TURTUK (100km). It is a small village close to the Line of Control between INDIA and PAKISTHAN. These villages from the only region in INDIA populated by BALTIC people (origin in Pakistan) HUNDER VALLY : Nubra Vally in Ladakh, one can find Bactrain camels (Double humps). Far from a desert, the region is at an altitude of around

After Breakfast Start for PANGONG – TSO (150km). On the way visit Shyok River. Reach Pangong-Tso at afternoon and transfer to hotel. Night stay at Pangong (Wooden Cottage/Tent) PANGONG – TSO : Is an Endorheic Lake spanning eastern Ladakh and west Tibet situated at an elevation of 13,862ft. and 134km long. Approximately 50% of the overall Lake lies with in Tibet in China, 40% in Ladakh, India and the remaining 10% is disputed is a de-facto buffer zone between India and China.

After Breakfast start for Leh via Changla Pass (17,688ft.). Reach Leh at afternoon. Evening is free. Night stay at Leh.

After Breakfast start for Leh via Changla Pass (17,688ft.). Reach Leh at afternoon. Evening is free. Night stay at Leh.

After Breakfast start for Leh, on the way visit Hemis Monastery. Night stay at Leh. HEMIS MONASTERY : Hemis Monastery is a Himalayan Buddhist Gompa of the Drukpa Linege, in Hemis. It was re-established in 1672 by the Ladhaki King Singge Namgyal.

After Breakfast start for stand for Kargil 216km. On the way visit GURDWARA PATHAR SAHIB (about 25km away from Leh. On the Leh Kargil Road 12000ft. The Gurdwara was built in 1517 to commemorate the visit to the region of Guru Nanak Dev, the founder Guru of the Sikh faith.) MAGNETIC HILL : Magnetic Hill gravity hill located near Leh. surrounding slopes create the optical illusion of hill. Moon Land, Lamayuru & Mulbek Buddha Statue (It is believed to be built around 800 years ago by the students of great Tibetan scholer Lotsawa Rinchen Zanpo. Night stay at Kargil

After Breakfast start for Srinagar 201km. On the way visit Kargil War Memorial (Also known as DRAS WAR MEMORIAL, is a War Memorial built by the Indian Army. Commemorating the 1999 Kargil War between India and Pakistan.), ZOZILA PASS : (11,575 ft.). Reach Srinagar at Evening and transfer to hotel.

After Breakfast at 10.00 am, drop Airport for your flight. Happy Ending.

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